Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Harry Potter and the Mud-Blood Prince

Now, some people have asked why is it I have a problem with Rowling and Bloomsbury reaping in HUGE amounts of profit.

"A little bit thinner". Riiiiiight. Posted by Picasa

So they claim the 6th book is "a bit thinner than the 5th". So now I know the marketing defination of "A bit thinner". To be more specific, the 6th is 159 pages thinner than the 5th

Even the words are BIGGER!!! ARRGHH!!! Posted by Picasa

As if being thinner aint enough, now they have to make the words BIGGER... Gah

To calm myself down... here's ANGELING ^^ Posted by Picasa

Oh well, at least this book is so much a nicer read than the 5th book. But I'm still pissed at the fact that I spent 14.90bucks more than the previous book.


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