Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Exam woes

Exams came again, in its sneaky way as usual... catching lazy people like me unprepared. Well not exactly unprepared this time around, since I've actually started studying this sem. Then again I'm fundamentally a lazy person as stated above.

Well, the time came.

And went.

Like the wind.

I'm gone...

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Harry Potter and the Mud-Blood Prince

Now, some people have asked why is it I have a problem with Rowling and Bloomsbury reaping in HUGE amounts of profit.

"A little bit thinner". Riiiiiight. Posted by Picasa

So they claim the 6th book is "a bit thinner than the 5th". So now I know the marketing defination of "A bit thinner". To be more specific, the 6th is 159 pages thinner than the 5th

Even the words are BIGGER!!! ARRGHH!!! Posted by Picasa

As if being thinner aint enough, now they have to make the words BIGGER... Gah

To calm myself down... here's ANGELING ^^ Posted by Picasa

Oh well, at least this book is so much a nicer read than the 5th book. But I'm still pissed at the fact that I spent 14.90bucks more than the previous book.

Thursday, July 14, 2005


Meh, Lazy to think up a title.

Lets see, so what have I to complain about today?

Oh yes...

The House of Commons brought up yet another idiotic issue yesterday. They are saying that women are also to blame for a certain Muslim Male syndrom called 3T's Direct translation would be "want but scared" - A syndrom where a man wants to marry more than 1 wife but is scared to do so.

So now they put the blame on women coz they like to chase married men - pure genious I say.

Then there is this issue a few days ago. Some dumb-ass Minister claimed that the educational MERIT system is BAIS. He furthur elaborated that it is because of that there was a decrease in the ammount of Malays in the professional sectors.

Question: Would you want some underachieving bastard operating on you? (Hey, professional occupation - doctor). NO?

Well, there you go.

If anything, this "BIAS" would some day save the world.

I do not have much time these days, feeling lazy too. So this blog will not be updated often.