Some years ago, in India, there was a famous Guru giving a talk to thousands of people. In the crowd were holy men, presidents, film stars, musicians and many, many others. Apparently when this man talked, his voice was kind of 'hypnotic' and people became entranced by his words.
When he had finished speaking, the Guru asked if there were any further questions. There was a silence as people absorbed what they had just heard... until a man stood up. He was a business type, a western, skeptical man and half-laughing he said to the Guru, "Alright then, if you know everything, what's the meaning of life?"
The man was trying to embarrass the Guru, to kind of belittle him. But, the Guru answered, "I'll answer your question, but first let me tell you something about yourself."
Now the man was the one that everyone was looking at and became uncomfortable.
"You have never been in love, have you? Real, deep, true Love?"
"No," replied the man, now slightly embarrassed himself, "No, I haven't."
"Because..." said the Guru, "...a person who asks the question that you asked me, about the 'meaning of life', is really only telling you something about themselves. They have missed out on, or not experienced... love. Basically, a person who knew real Love, from their own direct, personal experience, would never even be able to ask the question, 'What is the meaning of life' because they would already know."
-taken from
I wonder at this, if this is true, why is everyone searching to this ellusive "Meaning of Life"?
It is true that I have nvr felt that kind of love before, and I doubt I ever will. Throughout my life, the only emotions that I am capable of feeling was anger and hate. Even then I have only related to such emotions only thrice. I can't feel sympathy towards people in pain, I don't feel anything when people try to insult me.
As far back as I can remember, humanity has been triving to understand the meaning of life. To me, life has no meaning, it merely exist, until death claims it. Happiness, is but an illusion; hope, is a denial of reality, yet it is because of hope people cling on to life, and it is why society functions in this chaotic world.
But, where has this feeling of hope go us? An era where the environment is so polluted that studies suggest we might regress into another ice-age by 2026? Even in the education system, the only way to get recognition is to score straight A's to fullfil the HOPES and DREAMS of one's parents. Look at the world now, is the economy growing? some might say yes, but if it is so, why is it that prices of goods keep going up, while income stays static?
If one can subsist on love alone, the world might have been so much a better place. If one thinks the meaning of life is merely about love, why is it that people can fall OUT of love? For a moment there, they knew the meaning of life, but when a relationship turns sour, some commit suicide, some get depressed. Yet if that was the meaning of life, why let it go in the 1st place?